Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Frustrations and fears

Last week I was away with work and missed running. Not just didn't manage to run but actually missed doing it! I may have become one of those people who gets tetchy when they don't exercise......

Mostly I am plodding along and pleased with how things are going but on Sunday my shoulder kept popping out. It blooming hurt and it made me feel sick, the rubbish feeling is nearly done over 48 hours later. I am not sure if it is because I had not done much the week before, because I did a bit of strength stuff the day before or just because. I suspect it is just because.

Now I know that this is going to happen, it is part and parcel of HEDS. It doesn't make it any less frustrating. The pain is, well, a pain as is the general feeling rubbish which goes with it but just now a couple of days being completely out of action is making it worse. I am really enjoying training and not being able to do it is getting me down a bit. I'll be back running tomorrow though :-)

Luckily I had Chloe to keep me on the straight and narrow food wise so didn't just survive on toast!

It has also reminded me of the fear of something dislocating or just having a general flare up on the day of the race or just before. Logically I know there is no point in worrying, if it happens I'll just need to deal with it. I hope that training will make me stronger and flare ups happen less, but this may be wishful thinking......


  1. I am in constant pain for a different reason (presently unknown) so I can sympathise a little. You are one of the strongest people I know, I hope you can keep going xx

    1. Hope you are better soon, or at least you find out why, must be very frustrating. Thank you, not sure I'm strong just stubborn lol

  2. Always surprises me how grumpy I get when I don't run, having spent my first 33 years avoiding it. Hope you get back to training again soon. Thanks again for the sponsorship :)

    1. Ha ha I'm the same I managed to have nothing to do wiht this running lark for 35 years! No worries, great cause :-)

  3. Sorry to hear you've been in pain this week - hope that this coming week is much better for you :-)

  4. So sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope it subsides soon x

  5. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Getting tetchy when you don't exercise sounds like a positive achievement to me !! Thanks for linking up on the Sunday weigh-in linkie xx

  6. I'm the complete opposite and get tetchy when I have to run! must change my running mantra


  7. I hope you get back to your running soon - I get tetchy when I can't exercise these days - it took me a while to really get into it but now it's something I daydream about in work. I've been inactive for so long last year one thing I have to train myself to do is not push my limbs too far back as that always puts me out for a day or too so I know your pain.

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  8. Ouchie for your shoulder, hope it's eased now, thanks for linking up x

  9. Hope you feel better soon but just think of all the great awareness raising you are doing.
    All the best when the big event comes
